Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

New Year's Eve is a time when many reflect on the past year and embrace the new. For many around me, people are drinking to drown out 2008 and toasting for renewal in 2009. 2008 has undoubtedly been challenging. As I think back on the past 366 days, I realize that all the changes and curve balls thrown at me created new opportunities for growth and exploration, just as unpredictable weather and environment conditions make each wine unique. This element of mystery in life gives the same feeling as the moment we open a bottle of wine... the anticipation of great things, yet an uncertainty of how it will turn out.

One thing that's not a mystery, no matter what stage in life, what bottle I open, I am grateful for my loving family and friends around me. I am grateful to have grown with everyone through this past year, and I look forward to continue nurturing my relationships, and of course, sharing lots of wine!

The interesting thing about celebrating New Year's is that it almost doesn't matter what's in our glasses - with all the excitement of counting down the last seconds and buzzing activity for everyone to connect with those they care about, there's barely time to think! At Ozumo, we all counted down in unison, bubbly in hand. It was hard to see the label of the wine they served, but it was exquisite! The taste of more to come... fuller, richer, and with more depth!

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